Thursday, June 16, 2011

what a weird day!

I did so much and its such a fast moving day. Work was slow and lazy, and my jaw still hurts from the tooth infection.

Things I've done in this one Thursday:
  1. Tried out a new Chinese restaurant: did not care for it, its called 65 Chinese restaurant, its on 201 Madison, Chicago, Illinois, please avoid it, this is not a recommendation! lol the chicken fried rice was bland and the portions were to small for about ten dollars...
  2. Practiced some guitar songs, including listening to Jonny Lang, as my friend recommended. Tried to play one of his songs, but then i reverted to my punk love lol and found some weezer. Before all this I tried coldplays talk, and System of a Down's Holy Mountains( hard song, but magnificent). I concluded this all by realizing i was too tired to learn anything lol.
  3. Ate some real Chinese food that my sister picked up for me, from my favorite place, and truly the best for portion, flavor and cost!!!! NEW CHINA EXPRESS : its located on southwest highway and Cicero ,Oaklawn, Illinois, across the street from Jedi's Garden, its in a strip mall and a hidden gem!
  4. Lastly i read the comic book Rashad Recommended (aka sherrod, dershaun,rashid, LOL). Its called "DareDevil:LadyBullseye". Definitely a fun read and I'm glad he got me into comic books, its been a long time too since I was interested(4th grade?). Hell reading the Amory Wars has reignited my love of comics, and I bought the V for Vendetta comics.

My plans for the weekend include seeing the Green Lantern  and reading V for Vendetta, and maybe some basketball or bike riding(or both if I'm brave.)

Hope the movie doesn't suck, but look at this: 

I'm worried lol...


  1. chicken fried rice is my fave! great blog. followd

  2. Sorry to hear about the bad chinese food, i have a feeling the V comics will be more entertainment then all of green lantern combined.

  3. i'm a chicagoan too! thanks for the heads up about 65 chinese. In my neck of the weeds.... you should try this place called the Atlantic - north lincoln.

  4. Hmm, I don't think The Green Lantern looks too bad. Looks a bit all over the place, but not bad.

    Sucks about that Chinese Food though. All the places around here give portions enough for two or three days of lunch.

  5. The green Lantern looks awful. The Onion had a funny video about how nobody knows anything about GL.

  6. thanks for the comments guys, tommorow ill read your blogs and return many a favor!

    @Jim - the V comics are gonna be nice to read this weekend its gonna be one of those sick back and read all day events!

    @Todd - will do I love getting advice on restaurants! i spend lots of money on fast food, but mostly for exploration lol.

    @Athanasian Complexio - Oh i'm sure green lantern wont be too bad, but i have a fan who reads the comics and he's hyped the movie so much for me that i might be expecting too much lol.

    @M Fawful - the Onion might be right though lol, i know these old women who i work with (around 55) and they talk about movies according to how attractive the male actors are, so i know most of the money for this movie will come from Ryan Reynolds aka VAN WILDER!
