Thursday, July 14, 2011


I've really started to love reading fantasy, and I feel that it give's me a frame of reference outside of our own world.

For a while now I've been reading the Lord of the Rings, and with that comic books from DC and Marvel and The Amory wars from Dark horse.

The Lord of the Rings was introduced to me by the movie, which I fell in love with. It give's me hope when reading this but I wont complain about my current woes, although they will never leave me.

Now for comics I've fell into the world of Flashpoint, and I really think its creative and have also loved the new spin on Batman. Can't wait for the DC reboot!

In Marvel's corner there are two good story  lines at the moment that I really enjoy, Fear Itself, and yesterdays release of Xmen: Scism #1 which has so far been as good as people have hyped it to be. I like the character development and the way current world events are meshed into the Xmen universe.

I also picked up Fear Itself: Ghost Rider, and I gotta say I love the story of Sin fighting the Ghost Rider(not gonna spoil the rest).

Sorry again for the lack of posting, but all this reading and compounded by the amount of work I have to get done means that I'll be slower to post, for now.

On a side note, I've bought a bowling ball and shoes, and hope to get good at that! wish me luck!



  1. Not a huge comics fan, but having read the 3 LotR books, i must say that they were great.

  2. Fantasy and science fiction have always been my favorite genres. The best fantasy series I have read is Brent Weeks's, "Night Angel Trilogy."
    I haven't really gotten into Marvel comics, I might give it a shot. Thanks for the recommendations.

    I do read some anime, though. If you like comics, you might like the anime Naruto.
    While not quite as dramatic as Marvel comics, the story line is fast to engage and addicting.
    There are about 550 chapters right now, updated weekly. They really start to kick off later in the plot (approx. ch.240)
    Anyway's, sorry, not trying to spam your blog.

    Nice post, and
    Good luck with the new hobby!

  3. Have never read a comic I confess, I do read manga tho.
    I just got the 4 eBooks of LotR, I have read the Hobbit which is where this all began and loved it. Will have to start on LotR sometime.
